Bees in the Olympus
Verily, we would fain have thee partake in our activities, and henceforth on this page thou shalt find reports replete with knowledge and counsel. Moreover, the honey analyses shall also be found here, so thou may be assured of procuring from us honey of the highest quality.

1. A spring time visit to the bees
Ubi apis, ibi salus. Where there are bees, there is health.
(roman proverb)
Not so long ago, May 2018 to be exact, two bee colonies have settled down in the olympic village and, are henceforth growing and prospering in friendly neighbourhood. This project is mainly carried by the here living students and the association of students with support from the Studentenwerk, ODBG and the Olympiawerk.
2. Interview: "Beekeeping relaxes me"
Finally, protection of species has reached the general public. With the referendum on "Save the Bees" almost 1.8 million Bavarian citizens gave their signature to protect the different species of bees. In the residential area "Olympic village" the bees have been let loose - Tammo v. Knoblauch, a beekeeper in the local student's association, is caring for them with lots of love!
Honey analysis
Business as usual, the analysis again has shown that we have a "feinste Auslese" Lime tree (Tilia) honey.
This year, again, we have let our honey be(e) analysed. Not only are we allowed to call our Lime honey "feinste Auslese" again, we also achieved the highest rank of GOLD 1A from the german beekeepers association.
The analysis has shown that our honey is a Lime honey. Out two other varieties have very good results, too! Below you can see them in detail.
Additionally, we want to highlight that the results of the wax analysis has show that it has no other residues in it, so you can enjoy it and its precious properties without hesitation.
Here are our products in detail.
Spring honey ("feinste Auslese"):
very fine and creamy, bright yellow honey with sweet and mellow aroma
Analysis Spring honey (german)
Lime tree (Tilia) honey ("feinste Auslese"):
fruity, strong honey with intense flowery aroma and slight malt and caramel notes
Analysis lime honey (german)
Late yield honey:
honey with a hue of gold and caramel, it has a intense and malty aroma
Analysis late yield honey
Honey with chunks of honeycombs
pure, natural honey with honeycomb chunks inside, incredible intense aromatic taste